My work is not just about making physical art, but is about engaging places and people in embodied ways. I am passionate about helping people recognize their own being as their greatest work of art and become acquainted with their authentic internal landscape. Two ways I seek to do this:
Mapping Creative Play:
Anxiety, fear, and creative block often plague us as makers. This class will help students recover their creative source and remember how to play. By letting go of the ideal finished product, students will be opened up to new ways of ideation through the process of mapping. Maps are constructed from words generated through writing exercises, material play and body in space exercises. Through spontaneous, sensory engagement with material (including their own form in space), students will trace their creative inclinations for a deeper understanding of their personal visual language and creative process.
Nature: In longer format workshops students are assigned prompts to engage Nature in new and mindful ways. These methods are drawn from my personal practice of walking, sensory engagement and immersion in place. We explore how the way we move through the world can shift our perspective of place. Internal and external landscape become reflexive and mutually transformative.
Performance: I also teach a 2 hour performance focused version of this workshop. It explores the language of the body and how responding to our spaces whether that be a classroom or outdoors, can generate creative flow; moving ideas and emotions from the mind to the manifest body.
*email me for rates
The work I make is interdisciplinary and process oriented. I enjoy letting others in on the experience of making my work by sharing about it to a live audience. My ideas span from the spiritual, to the elemental; from the internal space of the self, to global issues of our environment and mental health. Lectures provide me a platform to more explicitly delve into the topics that drive my artwork as well as connect with people face to face. To listen to a talk I have given in the past: