
Remergence: Poetic Explorations of Death and Creation

Remergence is a self-published book. It is a curated compilation of the artwork I created in 2017. It is primarily a juxtaposing of my tree sculpture series made in Providence, Rhode Island and my performative sculpture series made while in residency at the Burren College of Art in Ireland. Accompanying poetic statements reveal and connect themes throughout, giving my viewers an access point to my narrative direction.

  • 62 pages

  • Hardcover, perfect bound

  • 7x11 in

Limited run additions are available for $65 (+ $3.50 shipping) or the PDF can be purchased for a donation of any amount. Please email me at for details about ordering.

Stand on reflected mystery. 

With crowning sight, question every wall

into a window. 

Curious to learn more about what led me to generate the artwork, more about the personal narrative it holds, and some of the struggles I faced while creating it? Listen to this podcast-style interview with me about the project!